Megami Device: Aegis Gear Unit Ver. Ganesha

Sale price$169.99


Product Specifications:
・The kit will include a present code for use in the game.
・Each part of the gear types all can be adjusted as originally designed. Particularly take note of the EMP Power Arm expansion feature on the parts of the model’s upper body.
・The various voluminous gear types can be properly displayed using a large-sized flying base.
・The kit includes three types of pre-painted face parts (one is of a new design).
・Resculpted “shoulder width” and “feet tip” parts by Masaki Apsy are included that have refined the model’s balance of proportions.
・Various new pre-battle items are included for users to enjoy recreating different combat scenes.
・The model is equipped with several 3mm connection points, making it compatible with existing M.S.G, Frame Arms, Frame Arms Girl, and Hexa Gear weapons and armor.
・The kit includes a variety of decals for the eyes and other markings.

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