Set composed of six basic oil tones to work and paint different types of leather and wood. This selection of warm colors allows any type of mixture between them to achieve almost any shade of leather and wood, as well as their shades and lights. The oils provide great depth, contrast and color intensity, and the combinations are ideal to add chromatic richness and to work the effects and wear of these two basic materials present in any scene, figure or vehicle. Specially selected for modelers looking to create a long-lasting, high quality artistic finish. The excellent level of coverage, intensity, ease of application and the ability to blend the colors of the ABT oils allow for infinite shade variations.
It contains:
- AKABT035 Buff
- AKABT004 Bitume
- AKABT006 Burnt Umber / Brown Wash
- AKABT610 Ochre
- AKABT025 Warm Red
- AKABT020 Indian Yellow / Faded Dark Yellow
*Conversion chart between old and new references here
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