Zorpazorp is a YouTube channel dedicated to creating groundbreaking and innovative gaming content for Middle Earth, Star Wars Legion and Warhammer 40k. I have an amazing stream of content planned for each of these universes, but all bound by one unifying theme; STORY. The most important thing to me in wargaming is narrative and immersion. Exploring the incredible journeys of fabled characters, famous battles and world changing events, that shape and mold the worlds we know and love.
Blackfyre Productions is here to bring you battle reports, tournament reviews, campaigns and more for the Hobbit SBG, Marvel: Crisis Protocol, Star Wars Legion and more! Also enjoy the stories told through our Toy Photography photos and shoots.
We are dedicated to helping war gamers, terrain builders, model train enthusiast & anyone interested in miniatures to elevate their skills and help the hobby be recognized as the art form it is.
Custom Gunpla, GK, Plamodel Works! In-depth unboxing and reviews! Welcome to Scythe Model Works!
Hi, I am Scythe 镰月刃. I have been building Gunpla for almost 20 years! I am excited to share with you my model works. Join me on this adventure of refining and improving Plamodel making. Along the way, I will also share tutorials and work in progress so you can improve with me! Please Enjoy!
Welcome to the River Styx Media Youtube channel. My goal is to provide entertaining videos showcasing a variety of hobbies that include the sport of Paintball, model kit building or general goofiness.
I am by no means an expert, but these hobbies help deal with stress in day to day life, and possibly provide some entertainment in the process as well.
We're all about tactics, strategies, news, and gameplay for your favorite tabletop wargames! We're huge fans of 3D printing from Titan Forge Miniatures' patreon, and playing their new wargame "Bloodfields"!