Nords: Goltr Beastpack

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Most Nords know Loki as a deranged entity, dangerous at best, downright hostile and deadly at worst. He is the father of monsters, the bane of the Aesir and a constant thorn in the sides of heros, mortals and gods alike. However for all his faults it was Loki who created the Goltr, the only animal in Manheim that can survive in the wild, yet can also be domesticated. Its flesh is succulent and its hardy constitution makes parasites vanishingly rare, although not unknown, and its leather is supple, resilient and remarkably warm. Clever and loyal, Goltr can be trained for a number of roles, and it's common to see herds of these beasts loaded onto ships on raid. That more foes and handlers have fallen to their occasionally murderous temperament than any other beast, or that their ravenous omnivorous appetite has earned the Nords a reputation for cannibalism seldom crosses people's minds, but never fails to bring a smile to an old, deranged god.   HOW THEY PLAY: Viscious and at times uncontrollable, the Goltr beastpacks run ahead of the main force crashing violently on enemy lines, leaving behind them scattered formations - the rest of the raiding force can easily pick appart. Where Fenr excel at quickly enveloping an enemy force's flanks, the Goltr act as the hard hitting bestial hammer!

3 plastic Brute Miniatures, stands and bases and Command Card with assembly instructions.

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