Beastgrave: Champions of Dreadfane (ENG)

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Sale price$58.65 Regular price$69.00


 you're looking for a small warband that packs a punch, grab them for yourself.

This set contains:

- 3 push fit Stormcast Eternals Sequitors (Ironsoul's Condemnors) in blue plastic
- 3 fighter cards, including Inspired rules on the reverse
- 20 lronsoul's Condemnors power cards
- 12 Ironsoul's Condemnors objective cards

- 4 push fit Nighthaunt Myrmourn Banshees (Lady Harrow's Mournflight) in bone-coloured plastic
- 4 fighter cards, including Inspired rules on the reverse
- 20 Lady Harrow's Mournflight power cards
- 12 Lady Harrow's Mournflight objective cards

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